Sunday, November 23, 2008

Frank Caliendo

Why is this guy funny? I understand that impressions are funny. But he sucks at impressions. Unless you call doing John Madden an impression. I'm pretty sure any fat guy can do an impression of John Madden.

Speaking of fat, all I can think of when he is doing his show is: "Wait, Al Pacino's not fat. Jack Nicholson's not fat. George Bush is not fat. Robert -fucking- Deniro is not fucking fat."

Putting on Red Sunglasses does not in itself make Jack Nicholson. Dressing in a black suit and speaking loudly does not make you an Al Pacino impersonator. Doing the "I smell something bad and I'm squinting my eyes" face is not all it takes to "do" Rober Deniro.

How the hell does someone sit there and tell this guy he can have his own fucking show and all he has to do is put on a gruff voice and sort of dress like the person is known to dress in order to impersonate them? Meanwhile good fucking shows get cancelled constantly.


Danielle Cohen said...

You can't tell me that this fat fucker does not do the best George Bush you've ever seen!

Anonymous said...

Somebody must think he's funny because he has his own show and bringing in the bucks plus he has had a successful career in Comedy Clubs. Maybe you don't like him because he is fat.

KMcJoseph said...

No shit somebody must like him. He has a huge show. You don't get to have a show if you are not hugely popular. It's called sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, he's not all that great....

Unknown said...

I agree...I went to see him in Philly...and it was awful.

He keeps switching back and forth between voices so much that you lose track and just give up.

He wasn't even on there for more than 1 hr! I payed $1 per minute.

Finally, it was the same material that he has had for years, and years and years and years and so on...